For centuries, meditation has been used for a variety of purposes, but primarily with one single goal: to “go beyond the mind” and experience peace, happiness, and bliss.

People use meditation as a way to cope with anxiety and other mental health issues, but even the most healthy individual will still practice meditation.

Why? Because it influences a positive mindset – and a positive mindset is the key to a successful life.

The mind is considered the biggest obstacle or challenge that prevents us from accessing this awareness – the awareness of peace and bliss.

As you meditate, you clear the pathway in your mind towards this sense of inner peace, which ultimately puts you in a tranquil state.

It can be challenging for new people trying meditation for the first time to enjoy or reap its benefits because mastering meditation (or your mind) is no easy feat.

Just the thought of sitting still for more than 20 minutes to calm the mind is enough to scare many people away from trying.

There are several different ways you can meditate, including the popular “mindfulness” technique. In this post, we’ll go over a few tips that can help you stay on track with your meditation goals.

The Benefits

First off, what exactly are the benefits of meditation?

Depending on your reasons why you want to meditate, meditation can be good for essentially anything that involves the mind.

It can be beneficial for sleep, anxiety, stress, imbalances, blood pressure, heart rate, perspiration, relaxation, and much more.

Through regular meditation, one can experience a range of health benefits that vary according to your personal qualities and health issues.


If you’re unsure of how to exactly start meditating, there are a few tips to follow to ensure you get the best possible meditation experience.

Doing so will not only promote a deeper state of relaxation, but it will also encourage you to continue your meditation journey consistently.

You won’t be conflicted to try again in the future. Once you realize how soothing the first session was, you will be eager for your next session!

Timing Is Everything

With meditation, timing can be quite important. Try to find time in the day where your mind is most calm.

This could be in the morning when you wake up, for example, or in the late-night hours after work.


First, you want to make sure you find an appropriate space to meditate in. Make sure you find a location that is quiet, free of any disruptions, calm, uncluttered, and the energy feels good.

If you set up an atmosphere that is comfortable and inviting, your mind and body will reciprocate much more effectively. Meditating in a room where the TV is turned on, for example, is a place where your mind might feel distracted from its goals.

Remove Distractions

If you can’t find a suitable location where there are absolutely no distractions, try to remove them yourself. Get your phone away from reach, switch off the noisy fan… If there is loud traffic outside, maybe wear a pair of earplugs or earphones and play some soft, soothing, natural sounds to accompany your meditation.

One Step At A Time

You don’t need to be a zen expert of meditating on your first go or your fifth.

Meditation takes a long time to perfect, and even people who have meditated for years still find it a challenge in this constant, busy life we all live.

You are almost certainly going to find it challenging to sit and relax for a few minutes, let alone thirty.

Make sure you accept this challenge, as it is all part of the inner peace journey.

Start by meditating for 15 or even 10 minutes. Don’t rush the process.

Take it one step at a time, and as you progress, you will be able to meditate for longer each session.

Understand It’s Purpose

Most people who want to try meditation jump right into it, hoping it will fix their health issue or it will put their mind at ease quickly.

While you can enjoy these benefits over time, it’s important to understand the actual purpose of meditation, which is gaining mental awareness of your thoughts.

As you meditate, notice your thoughts drift immediately. The key is not to let it affect your session. You need to redirect this attention that has been drawn away back to your focus.

That is the successful element of meditation, and as a beginner, it is the most important focus.

Breathe & Detach

Continuing on from the previous point, you can help yourself relax and calm your mind if you focus on your breath.

Breathe deeply and for extended periods – in through your mouth and out through your nose. Notice the distracting thoughts enter your mind, become aware of them, and then return your focus to your meditation.

Thoughts could be what you want to cook for dinner, whether you remembered to turn on the washing machine, what time you’re supposed to be at work tomorrow…

Detach these thoughts, don’t let them cause a reaction. If you focus on them, you are not meditating. Let them flow through your mind, and then detach them.

Practice deep breathing for several minutes at the beginning of each session to promote a more relaxed state and to help you realize the potential of focus.

Create Your Own Experience

It’s important that you don’t try to replicate someone else’s meditation experience. You need to create your own. Everyone experiences meditation differently, and everyone practices it in their own unique way.

You might prefer to use a particular sitting position, for example. Maybe you enjoy sitting on a cushion with serene music playing.

Many people enjoy combining yoga with meditation or going for a relaxing walk to practice mindfulness, becoming aware of the sights, smells, sounds, and sensations experienced throughout.

It’s up to you and what works the best for getting you into a deep, relaxed state and for making that awareness connection.

Consistency Is Key

Once you find your meditation rhythm, stick to it, and be consistent with it. Just like anything in life, persistence will get you results.

Set a time for each day of the week where you can spend 15-30 minutes practicing meditation, even if it’s first thing in the morning.

We are confident that you’re going to love the power it has over your mental health. It has the capability to change your perspective on life, become more grateful, be aware of your potential, and to promote optimism and positivity.

We encourage all people to try meditation and to see what it does for your health. Once you unearth the realization of its power over your mind, you’ll wonder why you ever refused it.

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