The Best Robotic Pool Cleaners 2019

Perhaps you own a pressure-side or suction cleaner. They are technological breakthroughs of their own accord, however, robotic pool cleaners are, without question, the best sanitizers around today. The ease of just placing the device into your swimming pool for automatic cleaning can’t be beaten. How does one know what robotic pool cleaner to choose, …

The Best Robot Window Cleaners 2019

The advancement in technology has been a blessing for homeowners. The introduction of home automation has resulted in a number of companies bringing out devices for performing a simple task like cleaning the floor to the windows and many more. Home automation is here to stay and it will be a whole new world in …

The Best Robot Toy Gifts 2019

Robot toys are an enjoyable coding introduction for children of any age. Programming is an important skill, but it may seem boring to children, especially if their creations are the only thing seen on a screen. It’s no wonder the codable robots are as popular as they are – they allow the engineers of tomorrow …